Get Rapid Growth on Youtube - youtube Secrets

You have seen that Lot of users active on YouTube daily part then also you have face problems of low growth on YouTube channels. according to the data, there are one billion Hours watched videos daily on YouTube. Besides this much popularity, there is limited growth on the youtube channel. so I will give you all working tips that help you to grow your channel from zero to hero.

#1 Refreshing your youtube channel

First, all of you must clean up your youtube channel that's means delete those videos which are bad in quality, bad voice, or some other mistake.

This is because if a person watches your video then before he will subscribe you he may check your channel that is your channel is genuine or have a good video if he finds videos to be bad or misinformed he may not subscribe you and will not watch any of your videos but if your channel has good quality content then he may subscribe your channel.

#2 Stay Updated with your Channel

This is important because people will love you when you interact with them so keep updated your content on the channel and also make posts on your social platforms so they pay attention to you.

#3 Make Highly Watchable Videos

Use Demanding Videos topics this is the easiest way to catch up the audience but this takes research, first off all find those topics which you think that it may help you to go viral.

Use Cool metadata

This means your title, tags, and description should me match to popular keywords, so, you can get your videos rank in top results of youtube search. Use popular keywords. You can find keywords from or you can use apps like tube buddy these will help you to rank up your videos.

Attractive Thumbnails 

Most people watch videos because of the attractive thumbnail, so make thumbnails as the person forcefully clicks on your video. You may have seen that people use some words like Giveaway, 1 million crash price, gifting cars to strangers to attract people to pay attention to your video. You can use a human's face as these are more likely to be clicked.

Use Scripting

Before making a video you should make a script. Scripting reducing the chances of mistakes in your video. You can make script small like in script only write topics and then explain in your video in this way your video will not be misinformation and it will go smoothly.

Scripting is used in many places and it is significant.

Having Right Equipment

You must have the right equipment regarding your work to make quality work. 

For example for recording face you must use a high-quality camera and also while recording your voice should be audible clearly and there is proper lighting in your room. Nowadays, mobile makes things better. Many popular YouTubers use mobile as a camera and also uses it as a mic. But proper lighting and noise should be in mind.

Make first 20 seconds memorable

Nobody will watch your full video. Most of the people watch only starting parts then quits or skips. So, to get maximum attention make the first 10-20 seconds best so that viewers are not quit your video. If you start the video with a bland introduction than viewers with left you .so while making video focus on 10 seconds more.

#4 Execute top-notch trailer

You noticed that when we go to the youtube channel p[age a video automatically play that’s the trailer of the channel. Some use any video but here is the way by which you can attract viewers on your channel.

U[pload a trailer on your channel on which is your video about. And make the trailer in between 30 -60 seconds. Tell them your introduction, what you will get in the channel, and whats your unique points on that category.

#5 Shorter but Impacter

If you make short videos like under 5 - 10 minutes then this will really help[ful because you will get maximum watch hours and then your video will be shown in recommendations. 

But if on the other side if you make longer videos then it will greatly impact your channel like if a video of 20 minutes people watch only 8 minutes then the watch time of your video will be under 50 % so, youtube will show your video less in recommendations.

So, if it is possible to make a short video then make it short otherwise make parts of that video.

#6 Promote your channel using Social media

Social media is the best way to connect lots of people easily without knowing them and one can be friendly with them. There are many social sites like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest where you can promote your self free.

On Facebook, many groups have lakhs of members and here you can post your links to get viewers for your channel.

Also, when we search for something you will find that in searches some top results are from Quora, Pinterest so not why we use them. If you post in Pinterest or in quora then you will have chances to appear in the top results of the google searches.

#7 Use transcript / Caption / Subtitles

You can use these also to get q large audience. If your video is about the tutorial of something in Hindi but some people know only English then you can add English subtitles so that they will also watch your video and people will understand that you are working hard work on video and they will subscribe.

If you are afraid that who will watch the video for subtitles then you have forgotten that people watch films without dubbing only by subtitles and they love them.

#8 Encourage People to subscribe to your channel

]This is just like a bribe but it wors. You can ask your friends for subscribing to your channel and later on, if they liked your content then they will be your real followers, and maybe they share your links with friends too.

Also, you can use a giveaway to get viewers for the channel. Like, get a free e-book for subscribing and commenting. This really works and these tricks often popular YouTubers all use.

#9 Promote through youtube advertising

This method is not free because you are using an ad for promoting but I am not telling you to invest a big amount you can use a little bit amount in advertising. Youtube runs various types of ads overlay ads, video is a, and te.

Also, google runs personalized ads so your video will be shown to them who likes in these topics, and there will be maximum chances that you get subscribers on your channel.

#10 Use Seo Tricks

By using SEO on your channel your videos will be shown on top results. Like using the best keyword, the title you can get maximum attention on your channel. Because on a particular topic there are millions of results so to stand in them you have to use SEO techniques to improve your channel.

Here are the 10 ways that I personally thought to make your channel grow faster. If you really appreciate my work then keep supporting me on my youtube channel Whizzy Shubham